Bioinformatics & Computer Application


Unit 1

Major Bioinformatics Resources: NCBI, EBI, ExPASy, RCSB; Open access bibliographic resources and literature databases: PubMed, BioMed Central; Sequence & Structural Database; Genomic resources; Data access, retrieval and submission; Data access standard search engines, Data retrieval tools: Entrez, DBGET & SRS

Unit II

Sequence Analysis: Introduction to sequence analysis; Local and global Alignment; Pairwise and Multiple string alignment, Sequence Alignment algorithms: Dot Matrix, Needleman & Wunsch algorithms, Smith-Waterman algorithm; Substitution Matixes (PAM, BLOSUM), BLAST, FASTA algorithms. Methods of phylogenetic analysis: Steps of phylogenetic analysis; Classification of phylogeny: graphs, trees and cladograms.

Unit III

Patterns, Motifs and profiles in sequences; Structure classification of proteins (SCOP, CATH); Protein Secondary structure prediction; Tertiary structure prediction methods; Protein structure prediction by comparative modeling approaches. Introduction to molecular modeling and Drug designing.

Reference Book

Bioinformatics and Functional Genomics 2nd Edition